Press release

H2Station® achieves UL certification as the First Hydrogen Fueling Station Product in the World

(Oslo, 11 April 2018) H2Station® from Nel Hydrogen has successfully achieved the world’s first UL system certification of a hydrogen fuel dispensing system station. The certification sets the new industrial norm and benchmark for safety level and legal compliance for hydrogen fueling stations, and enables a faster and more streamlined installation and permitting process in the United States.

The hydrogen fuel dispensing system having achieved UL certification is designed and manufactured in accordance with all the applicable standards for safety. UL certification, carried out by a National Recognized Testing Laboratory, is renowned as the most trusted and thorough third-party certification achievable in the U.S. and exemplifies the high level of safety of the H2Station®.

“We are proud that our H2Station® is the world’s first standardized hydrogen fueling station to achieve third-party certification by a renowned National Recognized Testing Laboratory, such as UL. Pioneering this advancement for hydrogen fueling in California and the U.S., as well as our investments into high-volume manufacturing, underlines our commitment to enable a widespread and cost-effective deployment of hydrogen fueling,” says Jon André Løkke, Chief Executive Officer of Nel Hydrogen.

Historically, hydrogen stations in the U.S. have featured customized designs with a limited field evaluation certification, completed at each site after installation. The H2Station® stands out as a fully standardized hydrogen fueling product, where the UL hydrogen fuel dispensing system certification is achieved for the product design as part of the manufacturing process, greatly reducing the time and cost needed for extensive technical assessments and tests at site during installation. The UL system Certification also helps to provide assurances of product safety, enabling significantly faster permitting process for Local Authorities Having Jurisdiction.  

“The standardized and now UL Certified H2Station with its streamlined manufacturing, installation and permitting processes will be crucial to the continued expansion and volume ramp-up of hydrogen fueling station deployments across California and the US,” says Løkke.

Milan Dotlich, VP of Operations for Energy and Power Technologies at UL adds: “I’m pleased to support Nel Hydrogen as the first to proactively receive UL system certification for their H2Station. This paves the way for hydrogen fueling equipment to be more safely deployed across the globe.”

The standardized H2Station® product is the result of focused and substantial R&D efforts, high-volume, lean manufacturing processes, and the achievement of higher levels of safety and product quality. H2Station® are currently manufactured at the world’s largest factory for hydrogen fueling stations, which has a capacity of up to 300 stations per year at full capacity.

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