Green hydrogen

Hydrogen’s role in making steel green

David Wolff, Regional Sales Manager for Nel, spoke with Lynn Gorman for Steel Times International.

In an article for the latest edition of Steel Times International, David Wolff spoke with Lynn Gorman about the role hydrogen has to play in the creation of green steel.

As Wolff explains, “The next step in the mission for greener steelmaking is introducing zero carbon hydrogen to the mix.  Soon, it’s predicted the industry will be using hydrogen-enhanced EAF  steelmaking which will make it possible to continue the reduction in carbon emissions initiated by the conversion of blast furnace and BOF to EAF furnaces fueled with scrap and DRI.

“EAF steelmaking enhanced with hydrogen will use hydrogen-derived DRI and hydrogenenhanced electric arc furnaces with nearzero CO2 emissions per ton of steel.”

“That supporting infrastructure isn’t quite there yet – however, progress is underway,” said Wolff. “For example, Nel Hydrogen received a purchase order to participate in the first large scale plant to demonstrate these symbiotic technologies working in concert with each other to support this revolution in green hydrogen steelmaking.”

You can read the full article in Steel Times International.

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