
The best is yet to come

“Even though we have been developing hydrogen technology for almost a century, there is no doubt that the most exciting part of the journey is ahead of us,” says Nel’s CEO Håkon Volldal.

In this new video, he looks back at Nel’s history while explaining how the company is developing electrolyser equipment for the future.

“We want green hydrogen to become mainstream. We want our customers to switch from using natural gas, oil, and coal to generate the hydrogen they need to make green hydrogen with water electrolysis,” says Volldal.

Nel CEO Håkon Volldal sitting in front of a backdrop in an empty storage warehouse in dimmed lighting with a spotlight on him

To make that vision a reality, Nel is continuously working to reduce the cost and improve the energy efficiency of its technology.

“We do everything we can, small things and larger things to make the electrolyser cheaper and more efficient for our customers,” says Håkon.

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