
Official State Visit to Berlin

Nov 09 - Nov 11, 2021

Location: Berlin

Information from the organiser:

Today's trade between Germany and Denmark is worth € 32.4 billion, which makes Germany Denmark's largest trading partner. Around 14% of Denmark's exports of goods come to the German market, but the potential for Danish solutions in the areas of climate, energy, health and food is still great.

The focus of the business delegation will therefore be on these sectors - these are at the top of the current political agenda and at the same time hold significant market potential for Danish companies.

The program of the business delegation will focus on renewable energies, health, food and sustainable production.

Denmark in Germany logo

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Nel's role:

Lis Gammelgaard, Regional Sales Manager and Jens Egholt Rasmussen, Senior Director Global Sales will attend the Official State Visit to Berlin, Germany on November 9-11, 2021 representing Nel Hydrogen.The focus will be fueling with our local footprint in Herning.