Press release

Nel ASA: Receives purchase order for a 2.5 MW PEM electrolyser in Europe

(Oslo, 10 June 2020) Nel Hydrogen US, a subsidiary of Nel ASA (Nel, OSE:NEL), has received a purchase order for a containerized 2.5 megawatt Proton PEM® electrolyzer from a customer in Europe.

“We’re proud that our customer decided to go for our Proton PEM® containerized electrolyser solution to produce green hydrogen for mobility applications in Europe, and look forward to support them in their ventures,” says Raymond Schmid, Market Development Director, Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser.

The value of the purchase order is in excess of USD 3 million, and the electrolyser is scheduled to start producing green hydrogen in the spring of 2021. Additional details on the project will be provided at a later point in time.

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