Press release

Nel ASA: Receives purchase orders for multiple PEM electrolyzers from an innovation leader in sustainable food production

(Oslo, 31 January 2022) Nel Hydrogen US, a subsidiary of Nel ASA (Nel, OSE:NEL), has received orders for multiple PEM electrolyzers to provide green hydrogen for sustainable carbon negative food production.

Nel Hydrogen US has received a contract for PEM electrolysis hydrogen production units to be delivered to a leader in the commercialization of sustainable protein technology.  This application for green hydrogen is a novel and exciting approach to addressing both climate change and food production for the developing world. 

“This project represents an important opportunity to showcase a green hydrogen solution that supports carbon reduction in the food production industry.  We are thrilled to be working with a progressive and visionary leader in this sector”, said Tom Skoczylas, Sales Manager for Nel Hydrogen US.

The purchase orders have a value of approximately USD 5 million, and deliveries of the equipment will be staggered over the remainder of 2022, and into 2023. 

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