Market - Hydrogen Production

Thermal Processing

Hydrogen is commonly used as a reducing atmosphere in many material thermal processing applications. In comparison to delivered and stored hydrogen, dissociated ammonia and exo or endo gas, Nel's PEM hydrogen generation systems produce high purity, dry hydrogen for use pure or blended with inert gas. On-site gas generation offers a safer alternative to other hydrogen sources. When paired with generated nitrogen, Nel’s comprehensive on-site gas generation solutions entirely eliminate the need for delivery and storage of hazardous gases.


Motor Laminations
Flame Spray
Heat Treating
Hermetic Sealing – Glass to Metal
Metal Injection Modling (MIM)
Powder Metallurgy
Powder Processing
Protective Atmosphere
Thermal Spray


Space Saving


Heat Treating Operations and Hydrogen Supply Methods

Industrial Heating – A View from the Top – May 2020

How COVID-19 Has Affected Hydrogen Supply Chains

Hydrogen Generation and Its Purposes In the Heat Treat Market – Part 2

Hydrogen Generation and Its Purposes In the Heat Treat Market – Part 1

Hydrogen Generation for Thermal Processing

Hydrogen Generation Enables Elimination of Stored Ammonia for Thermal Processing

Generating Hydrogen for Thermal Processing and Coatings

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