A form of energy storage in which excess electricity is used to pump water uphill to a reservoir. When power is needed, the stored water then flows downhill through a series of turbines to generate electricity.
A form of energy storage in which excess electricity is used to pump water uphill to a reservoir. When power is needed, the stored water then flows downhill through a series of turbines to generate electricity.
Alkaline water electrolysis utilizes two electrodes operating in a liquid alkaline electrolyte solution, usually potassium hydroxide (KOH). Potassium hydroxide is a strong base and is caustic. When
Artificial nitrogen fixation is the main industrial procedure for the production of ammonia today. It converts atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia by a reaction with hydrogen
Breaking down organic material in the absence of air or oxygen. Anaerobic digestion of organic matter creates methane and carbon dioxide, which can be reformed,
Devices which evaluate the composition, weight, or other particulars of a substance, compound, or mixture. Examples of analytical instruments include: chromatography columns; spectrometers; elemental analyzers;
An anion exchange membrane acts as a semipermeable membrane through which anions permeate while oxygen or hydrogen are impermeable through the membrane in an electrochemical reaction. This exchange process
A heat treatment where you heat a metal (or glass) above its recrystallization temperature, maintain the temperature, then allow it to cool. Annealing is conducted
Argon is produced by the fractional distillation of liquid air. Mostly used as an inert shielding gas in welding and high-temperature industrial processes, argon purification
Using gas generators to fill large balloons. Typically referred to in meteorological applications such as filling weather balloons. Hydrogen gas generators are efficient and cost
Efficiently-sized equipment intended to save valuable workbench space in the laboratory. Bench-top generators are able to be used from, and save space on a lab bench.
Gas fuel derived from the digestion of biological waste materials such as sewage, garbage, and crops.
A naturally developed form of methane. Biomethane is produced through the anaerobic digestion of organic matter.
A process through which multiple metal items are connected by melting and applying a filler metal into a joint. Filler metals have a lower melting
Carbon dioxide compression refers to the process and progression of pressurizing (compressing) Carbon dioxide (CO2) as a gas. Carbon dioxide has a very low reactivity as
A molecular sieve is a material with small pores of uniform size. These pore diameters are small enough to allow small molecules to pass through, however large
In gas chromatography, a carrier gas is used as the solvent through which the various components of a compound can be separated, analyzed, identified, and
Catalytic atmospheres are developed when a catalyst is introduced to a solution of reactant substances under an inert atmosphere in a pressure vessel.
A stimulant which allows for a process to occur, usually at an accelerated rate.
The primary electrochemical component in a fuel cell electrolysis system. Cell stacks convert chemical energy to electricity (and vice versa) through an electrochemical reaction involving
The reaction through which two elements or compounds are reacted in order to combine the two elements or compounds. Often Chemical synthesis forms the desired product, and
Harmful chemicals released as a derivative of ethane and methane. Chlorofluorocarbons contain carbon, chlorine, and fluorine; they are often present in aerosol sprays, foams, solvents,
A coating is a covering that is applied to the surface of an object, usually referred to as the substrate. Coatings may be applied to
The ability for a unit to be started and functional without a warm-up period. Example: Nel’s M Series hydrogen gas generators are able to be started and
In the power industry, production managers regularly monitor their equipment for corrosion. Aside from the damage to facility equipment, the presence of corrosion can result
Crystal growth is a fundamental and extremely important stage in the crystallization process. Crystal growth is where the crystalline lattice is arranged, forming the characteristic shape
Power that has been given restriction in cost or use. Curtailing is often performed in order to direct or focus power use elsewhere, often during periods of peak power use. During
A pressurized gas cylinder or tank that is able to be transported via tube trailers or other methods of transportation. Bottled gases / cylinders, and high pressure cylinders are synonymous for a pressure
The physical transfer of natural, synthetic, and/or supplemental gas from generation facilities to end users, in order to serve broad set of applications requiring gases;
The temperature where, at a constant barometric pressure, water vapor condenses to aqueous water.
Direct Injection is the process of mixing the electrolysis-produced hydrogen into the natural gas pipeline without first further converting it to methane. A small concentration
A gas or atmosphere composed of a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen. This gas or atmosphere is known as ”dissociated ammonia” as a result of the products
A device or equipment that creates electrical power from mechanical power. The electrical power that is produced flows through an external circuit to a final
The synthesis of nitrogen and hydrogen to create ammonia using electrochemical synthesis. Nel electrochemical gas generators can be used to generate the ammonia needed, at any specific
When hydrogen is produced by PEM electrolysis, the generation pressure can be increased internally to the cell through the process of electrochemical compression. In a
A process in which a chemical change, especially decomposition, is brought about by passing an electric current through a solution of electrolytes so that the
The preservation and management of energy produced at one time, to be used at a subsequent time. For example, Nel hydrogen generators can be used to
The application of a crystalline coat (overlayer) to a given crystalline substrate to grow or mimic the substrate. Gases such as hydrogen can be used
Gas that inhibits or reverses oxidation on the surfaces it comes in contact with. A product of incomplete combustion in a controlled environment. Examples include hydrogen,
Air that has been pressurized using an unrelated, or independent pressurization device.
External pollutants that are not a result of the unit being used. These unwanted pollutants could negatively affect the purity or operation of the unit in
Able to be improved, or modified, in the operator’s field of work (laboratories, warehouses etc.).
A flow battery is a rechargeable electrochemical device in which electrolytes containing electroactive elements flow through a cell membrane that converts chemical energy into electricity.
A device that converts the chemical energy from hydrogen into electricity through an electrochemical reaction. An oxidant such as oxygen is also required, and fuel cells can produce electricity
When a hydrogen-rich fuel (i.e. clean natural gas or renewable biogas) enters the a cell stack it reacts electrochemically with oxygen (i.e. ambient air) to
A fuel cell test offers the ability to automatically test, control, and monitor the performance of fuel cells and stacks.
An electric drive vehicle that uses a fuel cell as the source of the electrical energy. Like all electric vehicles, FCV’s are zero emission vehicles (ZEV),
A fuel, that under standard temperature and pressure, is gaseous in nature. The hydrogen (H2) produced by Nel hydrogen gas generators can be used as
To provide a source of energy to a device or vehicle. To supply a device or vehicle with fuel.
A design by which an operator is not required. A fully-automated design controls (automates) itself through a network of sensors and programs which regulate speed,
Gas chromatography is a technique used to separate and analyze compounds that can be vaporized without being decomposed. The stationary phase is coated along the
Distillation of impurities, or unwanted components, from a gaseous mixture. Gas purification is usually used to separate, or isolate, one specific compound or element.
Hydrogen is generally supplied by two methods: bulk hydrogen delivery usually sourced from large natural gas reformation plants and packaged in cylinders / tube trailers
The generator capacity is the maximum electrical power output for a given power generating unit, usually defined in Megawatts.
The enclosure for an electric power generator that defines the sealed space that contains the hydrogen gas used to provide cooling to the generator windings.
Hydrogen is used to cool the windings of large power plant generators because of hydrogen’s high heat capacity and low density. Power plants utilizing hydrogen-cooled
The life expectancy, or estimated duration of use before termination, or overhaul maintenance is required.
Glass processing is the production of large sheets of glass by floating molten glass on a bed of molten metal (typically tin).
Counteracting the creation of greenhouse gases created from common activities and energy production by finding, producing, and utilizing clean alternative energy sources.
The release of harmful gases into the atmosphere that absorb infrared radiation, causing the atmospheric temperature to rise. Common greenhouse gases include: carbon dioxide, methane, and chlorofluorocarbon(s)
The point where an alternative energy source is cheaper than, or equal in cost, to purchasing power from the grid. Grid parity is determined through
A series of interconnected electrical power generating stations, linked by transmission lines, which carry electrical power to consumers. Traditional power grids transmit power from a
The reliability and consistency in power or electricity production. Solar power has poor grid stability because of unreliable sunlight hours and the potential for cloud
Heat treating is often used to alter the physical properties of a material. Heat treatment is most frequently used to increase a materials ductility and
The quality of being airtight, waterproof and sealed (sometimes using a vacuum).
A compound that consists of both hydrogen and carbon molecules. Hydrocarbons are common natural substances. Hydrocarbons are the primary components in petroleum and natural gases.
Delivered hydrogen gas is often transported in three 3 channels: cylinders, tube trailers and liquid tanks. A gas cylinder or tank is a pressure vessel used to store gases at above atmospheric pressure. High-pressure gas
The combination of hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity. The production of hydrogen electricity produces heat and water as byproducts. Nel hydrogen gas generators fuel a variety of hydrogen fuel cells
A unit that generates hydrogen on-site via chemical reactions. Unlike other chemical reactions that produce greenhouse gases during the process of hydrogen generation, water electrolysis
Different methods through which hydrogen can be supplied industrially or in a laboratory setting. Hydrogen is generally supplied by two methods: bulk hydrogen delivery usually sourced from
To “treat” or chemically combine an unsaturated compound, often a fat or oil, with hydrogen.
Isotope separation is the process of strategically concentrating specific isotopes of a chemical element by through the removal of other isotopes.
Nel’s S-series hydrogen gas generator is also referred to as a lab server because of its ability to serve multiple laboratory applications from a single source.
A gas that can be used to lift a desired heavy and dense fluid to the surface, or higher than its current level. Lift gases
A gas that has been turned into a liquid by cooling or compressing it. Examples of liquefied gases include liquid air, liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, liquid nitrogen.
Liquid chromatography is a technique used to separate a compound or mixture into its various parts. In order to do so, a mobile phase, a
A gas that has been turned into a liquid by cooling or compression, then transported and supplied in this liquid state. Examples of liquefied gases include liquid air, liquefied natural
The original producer of a product, analytical instrument or piece of equipment, that our gas generators serve for laboratory applications.
Industrial operations that require various mechanical or chemical procedures, usually in large quantities or batches, during the manufacture of raw-materials into finished goods. These processes
A barrier which allows specific elements or compounds to permeate, while other elements, compounds, or impurities, are separated or filtered. The barriers (membranes) in our
Compressed air is forced into a vessel containing a hollow tube in the middle surrounded by a polymeric hollow fiber. These hollow fibers selectively permeate O2,
A form of metalworking that uses finely-powdered metal and a binding agent to precisely “inject” metal in order to create complex and precise metal-based products
Able to be used in weather-related systems or for meteorological purposes. Nel hydrogen gas generators are often used to fill weather balloons cheaply and effectively. Using other expensive
The derivation of methane from digesting organic matter, in the absence of air or oxygen. Hydrogen can increase the conversion rate to methane from 60%
A bio-electrochemical fuel cell that drives a current using bacteria and by mimicking bacterial processes and interactions that can be found naturally.
Metal-Organic Chemical Vapour Deposition is a technique used for growing crystalline layers into multilayer structures. In this process, UHP gases are used to deposit a
A serial communication protocol that is used to connect one, or multiple industrial electronic devices. Serial communication allows for the transmission of data between many
An approach to design that subdivides a larger system into smaller parts often referred to as skids or modules. The skids can be independently created
Natural gas reforming includes various types of gas reformation techniques that produce hydrogen from existing natural gases. Hydrogen produced from this process is referred to
Nitrogen can be used to purge heat treat furnaces and reflow solder baths which prevents oxidation of the metal surface and minimizes dross generation. Nitrogen
Nitrogen generators are designed to utilize an existing air source and produce nitrogen on demand. Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere.
Hydrogen is used as an agent to regenerate the catalysts used in nitrogen purifiers for semiconductor nitrogen process gas supply.
A purifier consisted of a palladium and silver alloy tube that allows only monoatomic hydrogen to pass through its crystal lattice at a given extreme
The National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) impose restrictions on the amount of flammable gases that can be stored on-site facility premises. On-site hydrogen generation removes
PECVD is a process that deposits thin films from a vapor to a solid state on a substrate. A result of a chemical reaction, this
A programmable computer, or program, used to automate electromechanical processes. PLC’s are often used to operate and control the automated machines in assembly lines.
Powder metallurgy is a process in which materials or components are made from metal powders.
Powder processing is a term that refers to the industrial sintering, pressing compression, rolling, and/ or extrusion of powders.
A facility that generates electrical power for distribution, usually on an industrial scale.
A technology that converts electrical power to a gaseous fuel. In this process, excess power is utilized in order to generate hydrogen via electrolysis. The stored
Power-to-Power employs electrolysis technology to generate hydrogen from renewable resources such as wind and solar power. The hydrogen is then stored for future use and
PSA technology separates nitrogen molecules from the other gas molecules by the carbon molecular sieves (CMS). Alternating between both CMS columns, firstly O2, moisture, hydrocarbons,
PEM water electrolysis simply splits deionized water (H2O) into its constituent parts, hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2), on either side of a solid polymer electrolyte
A form of energy storage in which excess electricity is used to pump water uphill to a reservoir. When power is needed, the stored water
Used to flush electrical equipment with clean air. Flushing occurs before the electrical device is started. This is done to ensure that any contaminants that
Purifier regeneration is the process of removing impurities from saturated media. This cleans purifiers so they can be used over again. This process is supported
Hydrogen is used as a cooling atmosphere in power plants across the globe because during operation, currents flowing through electric power generators produce large amounts
An element or compound that transfers electrons to another chemical agent in a reaction. Hydrogen is commonly used to provide a reductive atmosphere in material processing applications.
An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is processed and refined into more useful products such as petroleum
Energy collected from naturally produced, and regenerative resources. Some examples of renewable energy sources include: hydro, wind, tidal, geothermal, and solar.
Reliable, safe, secure, consistent, and pure. Research grade hydrogen has an incredibly high purity level; does not contain any contaminants, unwanted compounds, or elements, that
The purity or amount of a given component in a sample. Nel hydrogen gas generators have the ability produce hydrogen at a concentration of 99.999995% hydrogen. With
The temperature and pressure at which a sample becomes gaseous in composition.
A crystal, or polycrystal (polycrystalline) material from which larger crystals of the same crystalline structure grow from. Typically, the seed crystal is a small scale crystal from
A substance that has conductivity (resistance levels) greater than that of an insulator, but less than most conductors. Hydrogen gas is used in wet oxidation
The process through which methane, and high temperature steam, react under pressure to produce hydrogen. This reaction between methane and steam creates carbon dioxide, a
When the inventory of a product surpasses, or does not meet, the consumers desire of a product. Solar energy often experiences periods of supply and
A technique used to coat an object or surface by melting a coating material and spraying it at a high velocity onto a surface. There are many thermal spraying
Used to transport or store large quantities of pressurized gas, or liquid gas, in cylinders or other vessels. These cylinders are attached to a trailer.
Used to transport or store large quantities of pressurized gas, or liquid gas, in cylinders or other vessels. These cylinders are attached to a trailer.
Water Electrolysis is the process of splitting water molecules (H2O) into oxygen (O2) and hydrogen gas (H2) with electric current passing through the water. Two of
Welding is a fabrication process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by creating a fusion.
Generators that produce air with low hydrocarbon contents in order to perform analysis. Zero air generators are designed to utilize existing air sources and produce on demand.
Emits no pollutants or waste product when burned or utilized. Hydrogen is a zero-emission fuel because it only produces heat and water when utilized in a fuel cell.
No required storage or build up. The unit only uses what is required at the given time. This eliminates the risk and need for storing
Argon is produced by the fractional distillation of liquid air. Mostly used as an inert shielding gas in welding and high-temperature industrial processes, argon purification
A heat treatment where you heat a metal (or glass) above its recrystallization temperature, maintain the temperature, then allow it to cool. Annealing is conducted
An anion exchange membrane acts as a semipermeable membrane through which anions permeate while oxygen or hydrogen are impermeable through the membrane in an electrochemical reaction. This exchange process
Devices which evaluate the composition, weight, or other particulars of a substance, compound, or mixture. Examples of analytical instruments include: chromatography columns; spectrometers; elemental analyzers;
Breaking down organic material in the absence of air or oxygen. Anaerobic digestion of organic matter creates methane and carbon dioxide, which can be reformed,
Artificial nitrogen fixation is the main industrial procedure for the production of ammonia today. It converts atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia by a reaction with hydrogen
Alkaline water electrolysis utilizes two electrodes operating in a liquid alkaline electrolyte solution, usually potassium hydroxide (KOH). Potassium hydroxide is a strong base and is caustic. When
A process through which multiple metal items are connected by melting and applying a filler metal into a joint. Filler metals have a lower melting
A naturally developed form of methane. Biomethane is produced through the anaerobic digestion of organic matter.
Gas fuel derived from the digestion of biological waste materials such as sewage, garbage, and crops.
Efficiently-sized equipment intended to save valuable workbench space in the laboratory. Bench-top generators are able to be used from, and save space on a lab bench.
Using gas generators to fill large balloons. Typically referred to in meteorological applications such as filling weather balloons. Hydrogen gas generators are efficient and cost
Power that has been given restriction in cost or use. Curtailing is often performed in order to direct or focus power use elsewhere, often during periods of peak power use. During
Crystal growth is a fundamental and extremely important stage in the crystallization process. Crystal growth is where the crystalline lattice is arranged, forming the characteristic shape
In the power industry, production managers regularly monitor their equipment for corrosion. Aside from the damage to facility equipment, the presence of corrosion can result
The ability for a unit to be started and functional without a warm-up period. Example: Nel’s M Series hydrogen gas generators are able to be started and
A coating is a covering that is applied to the surface of an object, usually referred to as the substrate. Coatings may be applied to
Harmful chemicals released as a derivative of ethane and methane. Chlorofluorocarbons contain carbon, chlorine, and fluorine; they are often present in aerosol sprays, foams, solvents,
The reaction through which two elements or compounds are reacted in order to combine the two elements or compounds. Often Chemical synthesis forms the desired product, and
The primary electrochemical component in a fuel cell electrolysis system. Cell stacks convert chemical energy to electricity (and vice versa) through an electrochemical reaction involving
A stimulant which allows for a process to occur, usually at an accelerated rate.
Catalytic atmospheres are developed when a catalyst is introduced to a solution of reactant substances under an inert atmosphere in a pressure vessel.
In gas chromatography, a carrier gas is used as the solvent through which the various components of a compound can be separated, analyzed, identified, and
A molecular sieve is a material with small pores of uniform size. These pore diameters are small enough to allow small molecules to pass through, however large
A gas or atmosphere composed of a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen. This gas or atmosphere is known as ”dissociated ammonia” as a result of the products
Direct Injection is the process of mixing the electrolysis-produced hydrogen into the natural gas pipeline without first further converting it to methane. A small concentration
The temperature where, at a constant barometric pressure, water vapor condenses to aqueous water.
The physical transfer of natural, synthetic, and/or supplemental gas from generation facilities to end users, in order to serve broad set of applications requiring gases;
A pressurized gas cylinder or tank that is able to be transported via tube trailers or other methods of transportation. Bottled gases / cylinders, and high pressure cylinders are synonymous for a pressure
External pollutants that are not a result of the unit being used. These unwanted pollutants could negatively affect the purity or operation of the unit in
Air that has been pressurized using an unrelated, or independent pressurization device.
Gas that inhibits or reverses oxidation on the surfaces it comes in contact with. A product of incomplete combustion in a controlled environment. Examples include hydrogen,
The application of a crystalline coat (overlayer) to a given crystalline substrate to grow or mimic the substrate. Gases such as hydrogen can be used
The preservation and management of energy produced at one time, to be used at a subsequent time. For example, Nel hydrogen generators can be used to
A process in which a chemical change, especially decomposition, is brought about by passing an electric current through a solution of electrolytes so that the
When hydrogen is produced by PEM electrolysis, the generation pressure can be increased internally to the cell through the process of electrochemical compression. In a
The synthesis of nitrogen and hydrogen to create ammonia using electrochemical synthesis. Nel electrochemical gas generators can be used to generate the ammonia needed, at any specific
A device or equipment that creates electrical power from mechanical power. The electrical power that is produced flows through an external circuit to a final
A design by which an operator is not required. A fully-automated design controls (automates) itself through a network of sensors and programs which regulate speed,
To provide a source of energy to a device or vehicle. To supply a device or vehicle with fuel.
A fuel, that under standard temperature and pressure, is gaseous in nature. The hydrogen (H2) produced by Nel hydrogen gas generators can be used as
An electric drive vehicle that uses a fuel cell as the source of the electrical energy. Like all electric vehicles, FCV’s are zero emission vehicles (ZEV),
A fuel cell test offers the ability to automatically test, control, and monitor the performance of fuel cells and stacks.
When a hydrogen-rich fuel (i.e. clean natural gas or renewable biogas) enters the a cell stack it reacts electrochemically with oxygen (i.e. ambient air) to
A device that converts the chemical energy from hydrogen into electricity through an electrochemical reaction. An oxidant such as oxygen is also required, and fuel cells can produce electricity
A flow battery is a rechargeable electrochemical device in which electrolytes containing electroactive elements flow through a cell membrane that converts chemical energy into electricity.
Able to be improved, or modified, in the operator’s field of work (laboratories, warehouses etc.).
The reliability and consistency in power or electricity production. Solar power has poor grid stability because of unreliable sunlight hours and the potential for cloud
A series of interconnected electrical power generating stations, linked by transmission lines, which carry electrical power to consumers. Traditional power grids transmit power from a
The point where an alternative energy source is cheaper than, or equal in cost, to purchasing power from the grid. Grid parity is determined through
The release of harmful gases into the atmosphere that absorb infrared radiation, causing the atmospheric temperature to rise. Common greenhouse gases include: carbon dioxide, methane, and chlorofluorocarbon(s)
Counteracting the creation of greenhouse gases created from common activities and energy production by finding, producing, and utilizing clean alternative energy sources.
Glass processing is the production of large sheets of glass by floating molten glass on a bed of molten metal (typically tin).
The life expectancy, or estimated duration of use before termination, or overhaul maintenance is required.
Hydrogen is used to cool the windings of large power plant generators because of hydrogen’s high heat capacity and low density. Power plants utilizing hydrogen-cooled
The enclosure for an electric power generator that defines the sealed space that contains the hydrogen gas used to provide cooling to the generator windings.
The generator capacity is the maximum electrical power output for a given power generating unit, usually defined in Megawatts.
Hydrogen is generally supplied by two methods: bulk hydrogen delivery usually sourced from large natural gas reformation plants and packaged in cylinders / tube trailers
Distillation of impurities, or unwanted components, from a gaseous mixture. Gas purification is usually used to separate, or isolate, one specific compound or element.
To “treat” or chemically combine an unsaturated compound, often a fat or oil, with hydrogen.
Different methods through which hydrogen can be supplied industrially or in a laboratory setting. Hydrogen is generally supplied by two methods: bulk hydrogen delivery usually sourced from
A unit that generates hydrogen on-site via chemical reactions. Unlike other chemical reactions that produce greenhouse gases during the process of hydrogen generation, water electrolysis
The combination of hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity. The production of hydrogen electricity produces heat and water as byproducts. Nel hydrogen gas generators fuel a variety of hydrogen fuel cells
Delivered hydrogen gas is often transported in three 3 channels: cylinders, tube trailers and liquid tanks. A gas cylinder or tank is a pressure vessel used to store gases at above atmospheric pressure. High-pressure gas
A compound that consists of both hydrogen and carbon molecules. Hydrocarbons are common natural substances. Hydrocarbons are the primary components in petroleum and natural gases.
The quality of being airtight, waterproof and sealed (sometimes using a vacuum).
Heat treating is often used to alter the physical properties of a material. Heat treatment is most frequently used to increase a materials ductility and
Isotope separation is the process of strategically concentrating specific isotopes of a chemical element by through the removal of other isotopes.
A gas that has been turned into a liquid by cooling or compression, then transported and supplied in this liquid state. Examples of liquefied gases include liquid air, liquefied natural
Liquid chromatography is a technique used to separate a compound or mixture into its various parts. In order to do so, a mobile phase, a
A gas that has been turned into a liquid by cooling or compressing it. Examples of liquefied gases include liquid air, liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, liquid nitrogen.
A gas that can be used to lift a desired heavy and dense fluid to the surface, or higher than its current level. Lift gases
Nel’s S-series hydrogen gas generator is also referred to as a lab server because of its ability to serve multiple laboratory applications from a single source.
An approach to design that subdivides a larger system into smaller parts often referred to as skids or modules. The skids can be independently created
A serial communication protocol that is used to connect one, or multiple industrial electronic devices. Serial communication allows for the transmission of data between many
Metal-Organic Chemical Vapour Deposition is a technique used for growing crystalline layers into multilayer structures. In this process, UHP gases are used to deposit a
A bio-electrochemical fuel cell that drives a current using bacteria and by mimicking bacterial processes and interactions that can be found naturally.
The derivation of methane from digesting organic matter, in the absence of air or oxygen. Hydrogen can increase the conversion rate to methane from 60%
Able to be used in weather-related systems or for meteorological purposes. Nel hydrogen gas generators are often used to fill weather balloons cheaply and effectively. Using other expensive
A form of metalworking that uses finely-powdered metal and a binding agent to precisely “inject” metal in order to create complex and precise metal-based products
Compressed air is forced into a vessel containing a hollow tube in the middle surrounded by a polymeric hollow fiber. These hollow fibers selectively permeate O2,
A barrier which allows specific elements or compounds to permeate, while other elements, compounds, or impurities, are separated or filtered. The barriers (membranes) in our
Industrial operations that require various mechanical or chemical procedures, usually in large quantities or batches, during the manufacture of raw-materials into finished goods. These processes
The original producer of a product, analytical instrument or piece of equipment, that our gas generators serve for laboratory applications.
Hydrogen is used as an agent to regenerate the catalysts used in nitrogen purifiers for semiconductor nitrogen process gas supply.
Nitrogen generators are designed to utilize an existing air source and produce nitrogen on demand. Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere.
Nitrogen can be used to purge heat treat furnaces and reflow solder baths which prevents oxidation of the metal surface and minimizes dross generation. Nitrogen
Natural gas reforming includes various types of gas reformation techniques that produce hydrogen from existing natural gases. Hydrogen produced from this process is referred to
Hydrogen is used as a cooling atmosphere in power plants across the globe because during operation, currents flowing through electric power generators produce large amounts
Purifier regeneration is the process of removing impurities from saturated media. This cleans purifiers so they can be used over again. This process is supported
Used to flush electrical equipment with clean air. Flushing occurs before the electrical device is started. This is done to ensure that any contaminants that
A form of energy storage in which excess electricity is used to pump water uphill to a reservoir. When power is needed, the stored water
PEM water electrolysis simply splits deionized water (H2O) into its constituent parts, hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2), on either side of a solid polymer electrolyte
PSA technology separates nitrogen molecules from the other gas molecules by the carbon molecular sieves (CMS). Alternating between both CMS columns, firstly O2, moisture, hydrocarbons,
Power-to-Power employs electrolysis technology to generate hydrogen from renewable resources such as wind and solar power. The hydrogen is then stored for future use and
A technology that converts electrical power to a gaseous fuel. In this process, excess power is utilized in order to generate hydrogen via electrolysis. The stored
A facility that generates electrical power for distribution, usually on an industrial scale.
Powder processing is a term that refers to the industrial sintering, pressing compression, rolling, and/ or extrusion of powders.
Powder metallurgy is a process in which materials or components are made from metal powders.
A programmable computer, or program, used to automate electromechanical processes. PLC’s are often used to operate and control the automated machines in assembly lines.
Reliable, safe, secure, consistent, and pure. Research grade hydrogen has an incredibly high purity level; does not contain any contaminants, unwanted compounds, or elements, that
Energy collected from naturally produced, and regenerative resources. Some examples of renewable energy sources include: hydro, wind, tidal, geothermal, and solar.
An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is processed and refined into more useful products such as petroleum
An element or compound that transfers electrons to another chemical agent in a reaction. Hydrogen is commonly used to provide a reductive atmosphere in material processing applications.
When the inventory of a product surpasses, or does not meet, the consumers desire of a product. Solar energy often experiences periods of supply and
The process through which methane, and high temperature steam, react under pressure to produce hydrogen. This reaction between methane and steam creates carbon dioxide, a
A substance that has conductivity (resistance levels) greater than that of an insulator, but less than most conductors. Hydrogen gas is used in wet oxidation
A crystal, or polycrystal (polycrystalline) material from which larger crystals of the same crystalline structure grow from. Typically, the seed crystal is a small scale crystal from
The temperature and pressure at which a sample becomes gaseous in composition.
The purity or amount of a given component in a sample. Nel hydrogen gas generators have the ability produce hydrogen at a concentration of 99.999995% hydrogen. With
Used to transport or store large quantities of pressurized gas, or liquid gas, in cylinders or other vessels. These cylinders are attached to a trailer.
A technique used to coat an object or surface by melting a coating material and spraying it at a high velocity onto a surface. There are many thermal spraying
Used to transport or store large quantities of pressurized gas, or liquid gas, in cylinders or other vessels. These cylinders are attached to a trailer.
Welding is a fabrication process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by creating a fusion.
Water Electrolysis is the process of splitting water molecules (H2O) into oxygen (O2) and hydrogen gas (H2) with electric current passing through the water. Two of
No required storage or build up. The unit only uses what is required at the given time. This eliminates the risk and need for storing
Emits no pollutants or waste product when burned or utilized. Hydrogen is a zero-emission fuel because it only produces heat and water when utilized in a fuel cell.
Generators that produce air with low hydrocarbon contents in order to perform analysis. Zero air generators are designed to utilize existing air sources and produce on demand.