Purple is the new green

Welcome to Purple is the New Green, a podcast series by Nel Hydrogen and co-hosted together with H2 View. Tune in for each episode of this 12-week series to hear about all things hydrogen from the experts at Nel with commentary from your hosts: Leila Asdal Danielsen, and H2 View Managing Editor, Rob Cockerill.

Episode 011

Enabling the hydrogen ecosystem business case

In the final episode of this series, our hosts Leila and Rob are joined by Michael Stefan, Nel’s Senior Director Product Development, to discuss the viability of a hydrogen ecosystem, and to discuss our future fueling capabilities.

Episode 010

Hydrogen policy in Europe

Joining our hosts Leila and Rob for this episode is our guest Thorsten Herbert, Nel’s Director Market Development and Public Affairs, and he’ll be discussing how we can take a proactive role towards policy, how we can encourage public acceptance, and the importance of government commitment to hydrogen.

Episode 009

Electrolysers: Rock stars of the energy transition?

In this episode of Purple is the New Green, we have the pleasure of speaking with Filip Smeets, the Senior Vice President of Nel’s Electrolyser Division. We discuss the relevance of electrolysers in today’s world and how policy makers hold the key to its success.

Episode 008

On-site hydrogen: what’s the big deal?

On-site hydrogen. It’s a great concept AND it’s available! Explore why smart companies are utilizing it in this episode. Learn more with one of Nel’s on-site hydrogen experts, Dave Wolff.

Episode 007

The many colours of hydrogen

In this first podcast of the new year, we chat with David Bow, Nel’s Senior Vice President of Business Development about the different “colours” of hydrogen, what they mean, and how they impact our world.

Episode 006

Hydrogen: The swiss-army knife element

For our final episode of 2020, we have a chat with former Nel VP Investor Relations and Corporate Communication – now CEO of Saga Pure – Bjørn Simonsen, for a closer look at the story of Nel, and how it all came together.

Episode 005

Why H2 is a Logic-al fueling solution of the future

In this episode, we take a look at the world of hydrogen fueling. Listen in as we get the details on how the industry has developed and where it’s expected to go.

Episode 004

H2: the ultimate chemical building block

Leila Danielsen and Rob Cockerill chat with Kathy Ayers, Nel’s Vice President of Research and Development, about advances in hydrogen technology and what the industry has to look forward to.

Episode 003

Nel’s PEM: built on 20 years of experience

In this episode, we take a deep dive into the hydrogen industry in North America with a particular focus on Nel’s PEM technology.

Episode 002

Electrolysis: a Norwegian success story

Hydrogen has historically played an important role in industries in Norway, starting with fertilizer. And it still does! And now, it’s also grown to become the global energy carrier of the future… available already today.

Episode 001

Hydrogen: Why Now?

On the debut episode of “Purple is the New Green,” Leila Asdal Danielsen and Rob Cockerill chat with Nel Hydrogen CEO Jon André Løkke about hydrogen energy’s current role in the marketplace and how it will grow.